We Party


Safe, Cheap, Clean, Fun!
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Daycares have been enjoying our facility for many years. Affordable and Fun. Our daycare group rate also allows for Teachers and Chaperones free admission. The kids have such a memorable and enjoyable time playing the best games in the arcade business with real nickels.

$69.95 - 30 Free Guests!
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This is a great way to celebrate your teams season. Secure your row of tables for only $69.95 and invite 30 free guests. If you need to invite more people you can purchase a second row and invite 60 free guests. Your guests can purchase nickels at our cash register or change machines.

Group Rates - $2.95 per
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We are the perfect venue for your Youth Group. These groups have several options available to them. Advance booking group rates are a cost savings, while our flat rates can save and guarantee your group table space. Group rates are paid on the day of the event while flat rates are advance payments.

Memorable - Inexpensive!
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Reward your students with the field trip of a lifetime. It's simple to book on-line and secure the time and space for your group. Teachers and Chaperones are not charged and you can purchase nickels in any denomination to suite your school budget.

the Whole place to yourself!
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NickelRama is a fabulous place for your special party that offers you our entire facility all to yourself! We would be closed to the general public during your time slot. You can bring in your own food and drink (no glass, no alcohol). Bring up to 150 free guests! We will close to the general public during your party!

Affordable Fun!
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We host field trips for many of the local Rec - Centers. We are set up with the Dallas Vendor system and do business with many area Rec-Centers. Feel free to contact us or reserve space on our on-line system. This is a great way to entertain your group in an affordable high quality way.

We provide the best service in industry

Feel free to contact us and ask any questions you may have!
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